About Us
Formed in 2006, Arts Council Toowoomba Inc (ACT) is a not-for-profit arts organisation based in Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia.
A volunteer-run, membership-based organisation, ACT is managed by an elected Management Committee who meet regularly to realise our vision.
Mission Statement
To showcase the Toowoomba Region as a vital and creative centre for the Arts.
- To provide an umbrella organisation for the local arts community
- To build membership of the Arts Council Toowoomba and audience for the arts in Toowoomba
- To develop and program arts events
- To establish a community arts centre
A small group of people decided to try to create a community arts network in Toowoomba, Queensland. There had been many attempts in previous years, but for one reason or another, they died before they were born.
This group was determined to provide a showcase for Toowoomba’s artistic talent, and so started on the long journey. A proposal was taken to the City Council, public meetings were held, community members surveyed, networks formed, newsletters distributed, steering committee formed.
November 2005
First Management Committee elected.
March 2006
ACT becomes an Incorporated Association.
After an invitation from Queensland Arts Council (QAC) to become affiliated with them as a Local Arts Council (LAC), ACT began the step – to become incorporated as a not-for-profit organisation and affiliation with QAC. These processes were achieved in March 2006, and so Arts Council Toowoomba Inc. was born.
The Great Toowoomba Postcard Project 2006 launch
With support from a Regional Arts Development Fund grant and assistance from Toowoomba Regional Council (then Toowoomba City Council) and Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, ACT launches the organisation, creates a web page and initiates FUNdraisers – as the name implies, a fun way of raising revenue.
January 2007
ACT awarded the Toowoomba Australia Day Arts/Culture Award.
The Great Toowoomba Postcard Project 2007
Avant Garden Project for the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers were great successes from 2007-2009. Artist-in-Gardens were enjoyed by visitors to Toowoomba looking at the displays for Carnival of Flowers.
Splashing Back! Mosaic Flood marker trail installed.
September 2014
ACT Waterways Project
The project demonstrated how water flowed through Toowoomba with artworks in Toowoomba’s waterways.